Hints 'The Drifter'

Stuck while playing The Drifter? These hints are here to guide you.

The first five hints under ‘Opening the Suitcase’ provide general guidance to help you play the game. If you need hints for specific items in the suitcase, check the Hint Overview.

Warning: the final hint reveals the answer.

Opening the Suitcase

Message Alex on WhatsApp to start the game. His digital assistant, Pixel, can help you from there. Try to be as specific as possible with your questions.

Open the suitcase and examine the contents carefully. Read everything thoroughly—very thoroughly. Be sure to submit your answers together as a team.

Organize the items in the suitcase—group together what looks like it belongs together.

Try cracking the lock’s combination first. This will unlock several other elements.

You’re helping Vincent (alias Alex) solve the mystery involving his sister. He’s gone undercover to keep an eye on her because she’s involved in criminal activities. Vincent is trying to recover deleted security footage to collect evidence against her. Can you locate the SentryTech data center and help Vincent retrieve the footage?

If you need to stop the game unexpectedly—which, of course, is a shame—just type “stop game” in the WhatsApp chat. The game will stop automatically. But please keep in mind that your progress won’t be saved, so you’ll need to start from scratch the next time you start the game.

Stuck on what to do?
Pixel’s here for you!
Just WhatsApp him with a concrete question or two.


Look carefully at the receipt. Do you see any items listed that appear elsewhere in the suitcase?

The receipt shows the purchase of an Everett Whisky Coke bottle, which is also in the suitcase. Can you connect these elements?

Alongside an Everett Whisky Coke and some beers, the receipt lists other items. Are any of these connected to other elements in the game?

The receipt shows butter, cheese, and eggs. These can be paired with items inside the suitcase and the locked bottle. For more information on solving this puzzle, see the hints under ‘Locked Bottle.’

Locked Bottle

The bottle is from the brand Everett and was once filled with Whisky Coke. Do other items in the suitcase reference this?

The receipt shows a purchase of an Everett Whisky Coke bottle. You’ll also see the Everett logo inside the suitcase. Can you connect these elements?

Look closely at the receipt. Are there other items listed that might be useful?

De whisky is van het merk Everett. Aan de binnenkant van de koffer zie je een sticker met het logo zitten, met daaronder de tekst ‘drink with mates’. En daaronder zie je een tekening van een potje boter-kaas-en-eieren staan.

Op het bonnetje van de supermarkt, staat onderaan ook drink with mates en zie je bij de alcoholische aankopen het raster van boter-kaas-en-eieren terug.

Match de boter-kaas-en-eieren uit de koffer met het bonnetje. Op het bonnetje zijn ook de ingrediënten boter kaas en eieren terug te vinden.

When you place the top three items from the receipt next to the tic-tac-toe grid and combine the three crossed-out numbers, you’ll get the combination for the lock: 482

Playing Cards

Have you carefully looked at the numbers and symbols on the cards?

The backs of the cards correspond to parts of the city map. Have you placed the cards in the correct locations?

On the back of the cards, you’ll find the card manufacturer: Bluff Masters. If you look closely through the drifter’s belongings, you’ll spot this name twice more—once on the newspaper page and once on the city map.

A closer look at the front of the cards reveals that some are a little off.

The Bluff Masters newspaper ad states, “Sometimes wrong helps us find the right.” This suggests that the incorrect cards will lead you to the ones you need…

The Bluff Masters ad on the city map features a sponsor: Globality Trust Bank. Can you link the cards to something related to the Globality Trust Bank?

There is something wrong with three of the eight cards:

  • 2 of Hearts: The hearts are inverted, looking like red spades.
  • 5 of Diamonds: The diamonds are black instead of red.
  • 8 of Clubs: The card shows 7 clubs instead of 8.

The phrase “Sometimes wrong helps us find the right” suggests you should ignore these three cards and use the remaining five. The three incorrect cards aren’t needed right now.

Place the backs of the cards in the correct spots on the city map, then flip them over and remove the incorrect ones. This will reveal a five-digit code: 69317, which is the PIN for Globality Trust Bank.

Bank Card

Inside the suitcase, there’s a cut-up bank card. Can you find the missing piece? Whose card could this be?

With the complete bank card (and a five-digit PIN), you can log in to the Globality Trust Bank. You might uncover more information there.

To unlock the missing piece of the bank card, you’ll need to figure out the code to unlock the bottle.

Using Vincent’s (alias Alex’s) bank card, you can log in at www.globalitytrustbank.com. You’ll need the following information:

  • Account number: NL56GTB0164499123
  • Card number: 593

Notes SentryTech

Have you found all three notes yet?

One SentryTech note is in the suitcase, another is under the base of the suitcase (you can lift the white bottom plate), and the third is inside the locked bottle.

Layer the different notes on top of each other to reveal a password. Hold the pages up to the light to see the password clearly.

The correct password is: H#kW4$zF@8sX

Sentry Challenge

The Sentry Challenge is based on a Japanese puzzle, also known as a nonogram. Here’s how the puzzle works:

A Japanese puzzle or nonogram is a logic puzzle where you need to reveal a pattern or image by filling in cells in a rectangular grid. The grid consists of squares that can either be colored in or left blank. Numbers along the edges of the grid indicate how many consecutive squares need to be filled in for each row or column. The challenge lies in using logical reasoning and deduction to make the right choices and solve the puzzle.

The goal of the puzzle is to fill in the correct squares. By placing a small dot in the squares that cannot be filled in, you can more quickly figure out where the filled squares should go

View the solution to the puzzle here:

When you’ve completed the puzzle, you can scan it and go to the website: www.securityviewer.online

Newspaper Page

Read the article carefully; it contains information you’ll need later in the game.

Next to the article about SentryTech, there are two ads. Do they match any other items in the suitcase?

SentryTech’s HID technology is used in viewer codes, which are needed to log into the Security Viewer system.


Did you read that SentryTech’s data center has been relocated? Very few people know its exact location. All we know is that the organization’s center has shifted from decentralized to centralized.

If you remove the eraser from the pencil, you’ll find something hidden underneath!

For more information on this puzzle, check the hints under ‘Security Viewer – Login.’

Have you tried shining the blacklight on the bottom of the suitcase?


Can you find a common link between the six photos?

Are there elements in the photos that could help you determine where they were taken?

The photos were taken by Vincent, who is following his sister Alexia to document her criminal activities. Each photo shows a different location. Can you find these on the city map?

The photos show six locations that match spots on the city map:

  1. Central Station
  2. Günal Fountain
  3. The V&B
  4. Hidden Hotel
  5. McDonald’s
  6. Ipsum Alley

For more information on solving this puzzle, check the hints under ‘City Map.’

City Map

The front of the city map shows a layout of Voorn with various numbered locations. Are there other game elements that indicate locations?

The back of the city map shows a map key, three advertisements, and a location planner. Can you find any information in these elements that might help you?

The Voorn map includes various codes (C-…). These represent the camera numbers for SentryTech. Have you found where else these camera numbers appear?



  • Location Planner: Can you find 13 locations to fill out the planner?
  • Advertisement: In the ad below the location planner, you’ll see the phrase, “Data is the center of your world.” Do any other game elements reflect a similar concept?
  • Bluff Masters Advertisement: The ad shows that the Bluff Masters poker tournament is sponsored by Globality Trust Bank. Are there other links between these two companies?

Have you gained access to the Security Viewer yet?

For more information on logging into Security Viewer, check the hints under ‘Security Viewer – Login.’

Once you locate the six places from Alexia’s photos on the city map and view the security footage for those areas, you’ll see scenes where Vincent provides information about six additional locations. You’ll find the exact coordinates by reviewing his transactions at Globality Trust Bank. If you’ve completed this, you should now have 12 locations.

Once you mark these locations on the city map and connect them as per Vincent’s instructions, they’ll form a hexagon. Several game hints suggest that SentryTech’s new data center can be found at the center of this hexagon (see the newsletter and ads). Once you’ve identified this spot, you’ll have uncovered a total of 13 locations.

Have you reviewed the security footage for this final location?

The six locations identified from Alexia’s photos:

  • Hidden Hotel –  c-5908
  • Mc Donalds –  c-5940
  • Günal Fontein –  c-5969
  • Centraal Station – c-6028
  • V&B Warenhuys – c-5895
  • Ipsumsteeg – c 5937

The six locations found using the security footage and bank transactions:

  • ATM – Van Hoornekade – c-5922
  • ATM – Zonnelaan – c-6034
  • ATM – Van Berkenstraat – c-5902
  • ATM – Van Hoornekade – c-5967
  • ATM – Acacialaan – c-3309
  • ATM – Martinuslaan – c-6037

The camera number for the data center, located at the center of the hexagon, is:

  • Datacentrum SentryTech – c-5926

Het wachtwoord wat uit de laatste zes locaties komt en je naar Vincent moet appen is: &€2P9!

Globality Trust Bank


To log in to Globality Trust Bank, you’ll need the account number, card number, and a five-digit PIN. Have you found the missing piece of the bank card yet?

The missing piece of the bank card is hidden in the locked bottle. Try to unlock it to retrieve the missing piece.

You’ll get the PIN for Globality Trust Bank by placing the playing cards in the correct spots on the map.

Have you carefully examined the card ad next to the Globality Trust Bank ad?

You can log in at www.globalitytrustbank.com using the following details:

  • Account number: NL56GTB0164499123
  • Card number: 593
  • PIN: 69317

The account and card numbers are revealed by unlocking the missing piece of the bank card. The PIN is obtained by solving the playing card puzzle correctly. Three cards are incorrect. The remaining cards form the PIN when placed correctly on the city map.

Transaction Overview

You’re logged in to Globality Trust Bank and can now view all of Vincent’s recent transactions. Do you notice that he has quite a bit of money for a drifter?

Before you can work with Vincent’s transactions, it’s important to log in to Security Viewer. Have you managed to do this yet?

You’ll need Vincent’s bank transactions to trace Alexia’s route. Have you found the correct camera footage yet?

Using specific videos, look up transactions in the transaction overview. Mark the locations of these transactions on the city map. Each of these points has a camera. Review the footage from these cameras to receive new instructions from Vincent.

The following locations need to be identified:

  • Draw a straight line to the location where I withdrew money at 09:22.
    Answer: ATM – Pieternelstraat
  • Draw a straight line to the location where I withdrew money at 16:04.
    Answer: ATM – Zonnelaan
  • Draw a straight line to the location where I withdrew €20.
    Answer: ATM – Van Berkenstraat
  • Draw a straight line to the location where I withdrew €50.
    Answer: ATM – Van Hoornekade
  • Draw a straight line to the location where I withdrew €10.
    Answer: ATM – Acacialaan
  • Draw a straight line to the location where I withdrew money at 11:43.
    Answer: ATM – Martinuslaan

Security Viewer


Security Viewer is SentryTech’s camera system where all footage from the city cameras is stored. To log in, you’ll need a viewer code and a complex password made up of letters and numbers.

If you remove the eraser from the pencil, you’ll find something hidden in the pencil!

The password can be found by matching three specific elements. Login codes are often hard to crack, so focus on items with unusual characters and combinations.

Have you found all the SentryTech notes? For more help solving this puzzle, refer to the hints under ‘SentryTech Notes.’

To log in to Security Viewer, you’ll need the viewer code and a password.

The viewer code can be found on a slip of paper, hidden inside the pencil. It says: Viewer Code HID and A1M13Y26F6. The code is a mix of letters and numbers. These numbers correspond to the alphabetical positions (A=1, M=13, Y=26, F=6). Therefore, Viewer Code = HID should be: 894.

To find the Security Viewer password, layer the three SentryTech notes in the correct order and hold them up to the light. The following password will appear:
Password: H#kW4$zF@8sX

Camera Overview

You’ve successfully logged in to Security Viewer. You’re now on the main page, where you can view various footage from public areas in the city. Have you noticed that these types of camera numbers also appear on the Voorn city map?

There’s a search bar at the top of Security Viewer. You can use it to search for specific cameras you want to view.

Have you taken a good look at the photos in the suitcase? Can you identify locations that might have interesting camera footage?

You’re looking for camera footage from the locations where Vincent photographed Alexia.

You need to review the following footage:

  • Hidden Hotel –  c-5908
  • Mc Donalds –  c-5940
  • Günal Fontein –  c-5969
  • Centraal Station – c-6028
  • V&B Warenhuys – c-5895
  • Ipsumsteeg – c 5937


Have you reviewed all the camera footage yet?

You can identify six locations from Alexia’s photos. When you view the footage from these locations, you’ll see Vincent directing you to a new location. Have you watched the footage from those six new locations? And have you discovered the location of the new data center?

In addition to information about Alexia, Vincent has also written a type of code on his notes. Have you written down this code? And have you watched the footage from the new data center location?

You’ll need a password to log in to the administrator section of Security Viewer. After watching all of Vincent’s videos, you’ll discover that the password is &€2P9!

Have you located the data center yet? It’s located at the center of the other twelve locations. Be sure to watch the final camera feed, C-5926, to get in touch with Vincent!

Once you view this video, you’ll see that you need to send the Admin password to Vincent to proceed with the game and receive the verification code.

Hints 'Endgame'

Have you used all the items in the suitcase?


Watch the videos. Can you identify anything that might connect to items from the suitcase?

Use pen and paper to write down answers you’re confident about.

Answers for the endgame

Video 1 – Scratchcard
1.1 What is the phone number? 0705500852
1.2 What is the PO box number? 3074
1.3 What is the second highest prize? 1,000
1.4 What are the last three digits of the barcode? 139

Video 2 – Locked Bottle
2.1 Which country is it from? Scotland
2.2 When was Everett founded? 1940
2.3 How much alcohol does it contain? 8%
2.4 Which soft drink is mixed with it? Coke

Video 3 – Speelkaarten
3.1 What is the symbol? Ace / A
3.2 How much is red + red + red? 18
3.3 How many diamonds are there in total? 14
3.4 What is the lowest number? 2

Video 4 – Bottle Caps

4.1 What do you get when you multiply the two highest numbers? 24
4.2 What is the total sum? 14
4.3 What is the sum of the two lowest numbers? 4
4.4 What is the lowest number + the highest number? 7

Video 5 – Gas2Go Sticker inside the suitecase

5.1 What is the house number? 65
5.2 What is the street name? Van Der Loopsingel
5.3 What shape is the sticker? Round
5.4 What is the company name? Gas 2 Go / Gas2Go / gas 2 go / gas2go

You did it! You’ve helped Vincent retrieve the footage of his sister, giving him the evidence he needed, so SentryTech can get back to its real purpose.

Have you sent the final code to the administrator?

Play Video